Monday, January 2, 2012

Christians hate religion

Please don't ever call me a religious person. Religion is a stinky word that means a system built by men to somehow contain the reality of God. It doesn't work, it is stinky and a way to control or exclude people.

There are a bunch of religions and all of them are loaded with rules, and money requirements, dress codes, hair styles, and all sorts of foolishness by which we can look down on others who don't hold their mouth the same way.

God was disgusted with religion and it was one reason He sent Jesus to make a way so that we could directly talk to God, to enter into relationship with God. The ONLY requirement is that you ask Christ into your this:" Jesus come into my life and I will give you myself"  When you do that, and if you mean it, then He will do just that-come into your life and begin an adventure of transformation that you couldn't believe if your were told up front. That is the good news!

Here is the bad news: people have taken this simple process and built enormous organizations around it. Denominations, cults with important Bishops and Popes and other religious Bosses. When the missionaries went to Africa years ago, once the natives accepted Christ then they HAD to start wearing pants! Find that in the Bible. Some people are not allowed to go to the movies, or wear Jewelry. All of this is Law and none if it reflects Christ who simply wants relationship with you.

So how do we have relationship with him? Same as you do with your wife-talk to Him. Talk to Him about everything. Talk to him about your finances, your job or lack of one, ask him to arrange a parking place downtown for you...and then listen back and peel your eyes to see him.

The apostle Paul said that "all things are permissible but all things are not profitable"  For example drinking is permissible in the sense that it will not break you off from Christ-but it may not be profitable if you get a DUI or lose your marriage over alcoholism. The same with everything else...however the way it works is that as Christ and you get to know each other better and better then you will begin to change into a new person that is more like Christ and then you won't even want to get plastered and wreck your car, you won't want to watch porn any more, you won't want to cheat your customers....a new creation.

So stay away from the rule makers and find folks that are lovers of God and lovers of people. They won't exclude you or condemn you......

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