Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christianity is for Dummies

For centuries God had told folks that if they would just obey the rules then He would bless them-It didn't work!.

So after about two thousand years of watching everyone break the rules and getting a licking for their disobedience God decided that we were such dummies that he had to help us out...that's where the Gospel comes in.

The Gospel means "the good news". And the Good News is that all we have to do to make God accept us is to ask Jesus Christ (God) into our hearts. It is not about rules anymore...phew! Once Jesus comes and lives in us He begins to transform us so that we do and be what we are supposed to. These changes come from the inside out with nobody beating us with a stick!

Here come the Wise Folks and their denominations... If Christianity is for dummies then why are "Wise" learned folks always put in charge? The first thing that they do is come up with a set of rules that you have to obey to be in the church! You might have to wear a suit or a dress that is below the knee, it may be against the rules to have instruments in church, eat fish on Fridays, or drums. You may have to believe in pre-destination (whatever that is) or free will salvation (whatever that is).. The list is un-ending.Which means that it is not the good news anymore!

So here is the Good News: when life is crushing you and you are drowning..freaking out, given up...then do a dumb thing. Call out to an invisible God named Jesus and ask him to rescue you. "Save me! , Save me! and He will...that simple. From that moment things will begin to change. It is a good thing to hang out with other dummies who have been rescued...but watch out for the Wise ones......